A review by junotranscends
Drowning Instinct by Ilsa J. Bick


Cover: 5/5 I love, love, love this cover. It's gorgeous and it fits well with the book.

Characters: 3.5/5 It's been a few weeks since I read this, but Mr. Anderson and Jenna are still fresh in my mind, which tells me Bick did a good job with them. Jenna is, almost, an unreliable narrator. There are times where it's difficult to know if what she's saying is somehow scewed by her perception. As the story goes on and you realize she has some Issues (with a capital I), you question what's real and what isn't.

Plot: 4/5 Unique, definitely. In fact, the sub-plot with Jenna's brother caught me completely and utterly by surprise and blew me away.

Writing: 4/5 Bick has a flowing, pretty style of writing. I love it when I'm reading and come across a phrase or sentence that makes me pause and re-read because I just enjoy the way it sounds.

Overall: 4.1/5 DROWNING INSTINCT is a good thriller-esque story with edgy themes (student/teacher relationship). I loved the narration and how it was pulled off--Jenna talking into a recorder for a police officer. This was probably one of my favorite reads from 2011, just for the twists and ending and how unique is was.