A review by bookdust
Dreams of Gods & Monsters by Laini Taylor


I'm a big eye roller for reviews that have no sustenance and just blubber about the readers emotions. But my heart. Oh my heart. This series has been wonderful, and its clawed it's way to my top favorites, nestling itself up next to Harry Potter. How beautiful and epic and the last sentence brought tears to my eyes. Beautiful. How BEAUTIFUL this was. How absolutely amazing and stunning and wonderful! This is a painful and happy goodbye because I don't want it to end, but I am so happy for the characters - even if Laini Taylor did end the whole series on a very CATASTROPHIC cliffhanger that honestly could have made this into a four book series. God. Oh God. Read this, please. All of you. Scepticism isn't needed here. How wonderful this series was. I feel so thankful and honored to be able to read such a beautiful story.