A review by novelesque_life
Set the Night on Fire by Laura Trentham


SET THE NIGHT ON FIRE (Cottonbloom: #6)
Written by Laura Trentham
July 31, 2018; St. Martin's Press (336 Pages)
Genre: contemporary, fiction, series, romance, small town, southern


I have a soft spot for Mack, the second eldest Abbott. He tries his best to keep his father's dream, the family garage going, while taking care of his brothers. Mack means well but sometimes his bark scares away the ones he loves. Ford, the eldest Abbott brother, has sold his quarter of the garage to an outsider. Ford has also gone to their estranged mother for aid. Mack feels betrayed from all sides. Plus his broody bearded looks sound...not so bad. This is another great book in the Cottonbloom series, but I just didn't feel the chemistry with Mack and Ella as I did with the other Abbott brothers. I really hope that Ford gets his own story...maybe with Megan?