A review by henrythereader
Mechanicum by Graham McNeill


The ninth book in the Horus Heresy series continues in the same dreary vein as "Battle for the Abyss", with unbelievable characters, poor dialogue and stupid situations (and thats saying something, given this is the 40k universe we're talking about!). I didn't feel the remotest connection to any of the so called characters. In fact, to say they were like 2-D cutouts would be a compliment. Graham Mcneill usually excels at whatever he writes, but not this time. Sorry Graham, but this book was BORING!!!!!!! It was so boring I gave up around halfway and skipped to the end, and even found that implausible. Luckily, Graham has also written some amazing books, sic Ultramarines novels. Do yourself a favour, look up the wikipedia synopsis of this book and move onto the next in the series.