A review by jacqueshol
The Defector by Chris Hadfield


Getting into Chris Hadfield's writing, I must admit, I was a bit skeptical. Given Hadfield's illustrious career as a fighter pilot, astronaut, and commander of the International Space Station, it seemed almost too much to expect him to also excel as a writer.

I've never been happier to be proven wrong. Hadfield has utterly blown me away. His writing doesn't just match the standards of military and space thrillers; it rockets past them, taking me back to the days of Tom Clancy's original works. Yes, you read that right. Hadfield's writing and storytelling prowess are on par with the master of the genre himself. The detail, the suspense, the technical accuracy—all combine to create a narrative that's utterly gripping.

"The Defector" isn't just a step up from the first book in the series—it's a giant leap. While I thought the opening novel was impressive, this sequel is brilliant, pure class through and through. Hadfield weaves a tale so compelling, so rich in detail and plot intricacies, that it's impossible not to be drawn in. It's the kind of book that makes you forget you're reading fiction, immersing you in a world that feels as real as it is thrilling.

The progression from the first book to "The Defector" showcases Hadfield's growing skill as a novelist. It's a rare delight to see someone so accomplished in one field demonstrate equal prowess in another, and even rarer still to see them excel at such a high level. Hadfield's narrative is seamless, his character development is deep and thoughtful, and his ability to build tension is masterful.

I find myself eagerly hoping for more books in the Apollo Murders series. Hadfield has not only proven himself as a writer but has set a new standard for thrillers in the process.

In summary, "The Defector" is a must-read for anyone who loves a good thriller, appreciates the intricacies of the space race and military technology, or simply enjoys a well-told story. Chris Hadfield has achieved something remarkable here, and I can't wait to see where he takes us next.