A review by madmordigan
The Sea King by C.L. Wilson

Did not finish book. Stopped at 80%.
The relationship between Gabriella and Dilys treads water, at best. 

For most of the novel, Gabriella resists Dilys, refusing to acknowledge their fated connection. Dilys, on the other hand, refuses to take no for an answer, trying to woo her over and over and over again. This woo-rejection circle spins too long. Gabriella's motivations make less sense as the novel progresses, yet she continues to staunchly refuse to acknowledge her feelings for Dilys to the point the slow burn is not slow, but entirely stagnant. 

When she finally does decide to recognize her feelings for Dilys and consummate their relationship, it's after being kidnapped, repeatedly sexually assaulted and learned her sisters died in an explosion. Really sets the scene for some steam.

I had such high expectations because I enjoyed the first book, but I couldn't get through this one. Wilson needs TWs for sexual assault and rape. 

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