A review by schomj
Seven of Infinities by Aliette de Bodard


For some reason I went into this thinking it would be a sequel to [b:The Tea Master and the Detective|36686547|The Tea Master and the Detective (The Universe of Xuya)|Aliette de Bodard|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1511987651l/36686547._SX50_.jpg|58480498] and it's absolutely not. So I started off feeling a bit confused. It's also not really a mystery, though there is a mystery plot line, it's really more of a melodrama that felt like AdB's Dominion series.

There were also some parts in the middle that confused me a little with how it was written, though again this could have been just me being easily confused and not the actual writing.

So temporary 3 stars because that's how I feel now, but I anticipate re-reading this in conjunction with Tea Master at some point, and I'll update this if I need to.

CW: body horror, kissing and references to sex (f/f), murder