A review by siakou
Middle of the Night by Riley Sager



If you were left feeling meh after reading both The House Across The Lake and The Only One Left and lost the eagerness to look forward to Riley Sager’s books hear me out, this one is definitely for you!

I’ve been chasing the feeling Riley Sager gave me with Home Before Dark ever since I’ve read it and I kept expecting from his later books to match its energy but all they ever did was make me disappointed.
I’m really glad I got approved for this early copy cause otherwise it would have taken me some time to actively decide to pick it up and I would have missed out big time!

This had strong Home Before Dark vibes and everything else you’d expect from Riley Sager, the genre bending claim was not a lie guys!
It had supernatural elements, decent mystery, thrilling turn of events, emotional rollercoasters, not knowing how reliable the MC really is.. I was constantly kept on edge and never knew what to expect l. But it never got really too much or too unbearable which what I love the most about it! I really couldn’t have asked for more.
So it goes without saying, I’m back on the hype train like I never left you can’t stop me now.

Thank you NetGalley and Hodder & Stoughton for the digital ARC!