A review by bitchie
Deadly Dorian by Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott


My least favorite of the two series. I think the story forgot what it was supposed to be about.

We started out with Marc, who figures out someone is trying to kill him. Since he's apparently well known, locally at least (yet another 28 year old, self made almost billionaire, nothing to see here, folks!), and he's afraid it's one of his siblings that's trying to kill him, he can't be seen with a bodyguard, so they decide to have Royce pretend to be his boyfriend, instead.

Ok, fake boyfriend trope, I'm totally there for this one!

Only fake didn't last so long, because these guys were instantly hot for each other's bods, if ya know what I mean! (of course you know what I mean, you've seen this show before!

And then we roll along, sexing it up, getting to know each other....not much has happened with the big attempted murder investigation. No more attempts have been made on Marc's life. His siblings aren't the greatest, very condescending and judgy, but no one seems murder happy. Secrets are found about all of them, random gambling and money problems, but worth killing your brother over? Plus, I never really got why Marc had so many issues. Sure, he was the baby who never quite fit, and sure, his parents died, but he put himself through some serious shit for a while, and I'm not sure I got why he was so damaged.

And suddenly, a wild sub-plot appears! Royce has a long lost family that shows up, making threats and demands. And now, in the middle of bodyguarding and forgotten murder attempts, these guys jet off to Italy to deal with Royce's family drama! To
Spoiler break into a home and steal a priceless painting, no less!
So the rest of the book is spent dealing with Royce, his mafia family, and feelings of inferiority.

Wait, wasn't someone trying to kill Marc before this wild sub-plot happened? Oh yeah, that gets taken care of in the last little bit of the book, followed by a
Spoiler stupid break up and way too easy get back together weeks later
So really, the story about Marc's attempted murder and terrible siblings gets completely over shadowed by Royce's shit.

ETA: and wtf is with Lucas and Andrei getting married off page? All the Unbreakable shorts between all the main books, and they couldn't give us a wedding or a honeymoon? Rude!

Oh, BTW, who the hell was Dorian? Was it just some allegory to Dorian Gray that didn't quite fit the narrative? Did I miss someone named Dorian? I'm confused. I know Marc paints, but was that really it?