A review by jscarpa14
Infinity Ring: Book 8 - Audio by Matt de la Peña


Parts of this were good which is why I'm giving it a three star rating, but I stand by my opinion stated in the previous book. This story reached its arc in book seven and book eight was not only unnecessary, but the sort of addition to the series that twists the plot in a negative way in order to elongate a series that was apparently making money for somebody.

I'm not even going to get started on all the contradictions this books made on prior books like Sera not knowing scientific things while Dak knows them or Aristotle say he was starting the Historians anyway in order to protect history and then Dak stating in this book that the organization had never been started. Those are just a couple in a laundry list of examples by the way.

The changes to the way the series dynamic worked at all are what really got me. Instead of it being history focused, it was focused on the space race and while it did give historical events related to that it didn't really fit with the way the rest of the series went. Not only that but we've got parallel universes and clones. Dak is having psychic visions which are ridiculous and dinosaurs are walking around in the 21st century?! Then there was Riq's reaction to seeing Sera and Dak again. Instead of hearing them out, he threw them in jail with no explanation whatsoever. It's like he's stopped listening all together. Considering what he experienced during their trip to the Civil War era I find the behavior completely out of character.

The book had it's moments that I actually enjoyed listening to, don't get me wrong, but over all I'd consider it the worst installment of the series so far and maintain the opinion that this should only have been a seven book series.