A review by ederwin
Cthulhu 2000 by Jim Turner


I don't like the works written by HPL. As editor of this book Jim Turner, an expert on and admirer of his work, says: "To reiterate Lovecraft's weaknesses at this point would be gratuitous, for his technical shortcomings are apparent to even the most insensitive reader; one may as well complain that the Venus de Milo has no arms." To that I reply, VdM once did have arms, but HPL was never without his shortcomings.

That aside, I enjoyed every story in this collection. There aren't many short-story collections I can say that about. And they are very varied. I picked it up simply to read [b:24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai|20839082|24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai|Roger Zelazny|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1393788285l/20839082._SX50_.jpg|40191101], which is quite good, and to re-read [b:The Last Feast of Harlequin|25538803|The Last Feast of Harlequin|Thomas Ligotti|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1431631691l/25538803._SY75_.jpg|45329476], and then I just kept going. Probably my favorite was "Love's Eldritch Ichor" by [a:Esther M. Friesner|33502|Esther M. Friesner|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1309628445p2/33502.jpg], which is a very funny story about a Devil-wears-Prada type editor preparing a story by H.P. Lovecraft for sale in the romance genre. There is one other explicitly comedic story in here. The others are all various forms of horror or weird, not one is less than good.