A review by stagasaurus
The Blessing by Nancy Mitford


I enjoyed this but in a very light way. I couldn't rouse any deep feelings for any of the characters apart from wishing Carolyn would stub her toe badly and be therefore excused from taking part in the rest of the book. It was funny, undoubtedly.

I would like to read more Nancy Mitford to compare. Anyone have any recommendations?

SpoilerI enjoyed the ending, which suprised me somehow. I must be more liberal about polygamy than I thought I was. I think Grace should get a boyfriend too. But not Hughie or the Captain.
I have never before desired to send a child to boarding school, but Sigi seems to be a sociopath,
so I doubt it would do him any harm. Maybe in Eton they could sausage him and leave him locked in a cupboard for a while.