A review by ameserole
Eight Simple Rules for Dating a Dragon by Kerrelyn Sparks


ARC provided by NetGalley for an honest review.

Eight Simple Rules for Dating a Dragon is a dual POV from Gwennore (aka Gwen) and Silas. Gwen has a talent, just like all of her adopted sisters. With one touch she can tack down the cause of an illness and heal it. Oh, and she also found out that she can hear dragons and trees AND speak back to them.

Any book with shape shifting dragon hotties can count me in to read it. Before I dive into this review, I didn't even know that this book was in a series. Nor did I know that it was the third book. That being said, I think you could totally read this as a standalone and not be confused at all. Plus, this book definitely makes me want to dive into the first two.

I loved Gwen's character because she just seemed so relatable, likable, sassy, and smart. I didn't like how everyone looked down on her or talked crap about her. I get it, she's an elf but she didn't do anything to these people. Hot damn! I just wanted to reach into this book and slap people.

I also really liked Silas/Puff. It threw me for a loop about the whole Puff thing because I didn't know if that was him or not but then I finally figure it out WAY before Gwen did. I just loved him as a guy and how he wanted to protect her so quickly and effortlessly because she was in danger. I loved their chemistry, their banters, and everything else about them. Heck, I was shipping them since day one.

Besides the romance, there's a pretty good mystery going on. You want to know who is poisoning everyone in this country. Why is the Queen mad? Why is the King mad? Then there's a good villain who has yet to be caught. Secrets are found out that make friendships and relationships stronger. Then there's a happy ending - I mean, who doesn't love those?

Eight Simple Rules for Dating a Dragon was a super quick read for me. I think I read it in like an hour? It was late at night and my migraine wasn't letting me sleep so I just pulled out my phone and read it on my kindle app. I loved every second of it. Heck, I devoured this book.

I can't wait for the next book because I'm so excited to see where Gwen comes from!