A review by shannanh
Confessions in B-Flat by Donna Hill


A masterfully written story set during 1963 during the civil right's movement that will take your breath away. On his way to New York to try to convince people that Dr. King's method of non violence resistance is the way to go, meets activist Anita Hopkins, who feels Malcom X's by any means necessary is the way to go. Although they try to resist it, sparks fly. They both have to decide if they can make it work despite their varied and opposing views.

Ms. Hill proves with this book that she is a master at her craft. This story took me on a roller coaster that I wasn't expecting. With life like characters, shocking moments and a history lesson thrown in, this book is definitely on my top list for the year. The story line was extremely well developed. Although I rarely re read books, I plan to read this one again in the near future. Kudos and great job.

I received a copy of this book via NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.