A review by witandsin
Hope Ignites by Jaci Burton


My review cross-posted from Wit and Sin: http://witandsin.blogspot.com/2014/03/review-hope-ignites-by-jaci-burton.html

Two very different worlds collide when Hollywood takes over a small part of Hope, Oklahoma. Hope Ignites is an engaging story of finding home and taking a chance on love, and I was utterly charmed by it.

Des is easy to adore. She’s a movie star of the first order but doesn’t have the ego to match. Des is straightforward, hardworking, and generous – the kind of woman you’d want to have as a friend. Logan, by comparison, is a bit of a tough nut to crack. He’s got the strong, silent-type thing down to a science, and his mother did a number on him psychologically. Because of this, he doesn’t trust that Des could ever be happy living on his ranch and he makes mistakes, pushing her away when he should be doing the opposite. What I love most about Logan is that he owns up to his mistakes and genuinely cares for Des. Whether they’re on set, working the ranch, or hitting the sheets, Des and Logan are a great couple and their chemistry draws you into Hope Ignites.

Hope Ignites is the second full-length book in Jaci Burton’s Hope series, but it can be read as a standalone. I haven’t read either Hope Flames or the Hope novella, “Hope Smolders,” but after being introduced to Logan’s family and friends I will definitely be picking those up. Ms. Burton does a great job of creating a sense of community with Hope Ignites, which isn’t an easy feat considering Logan has a tendency to isolate himself. But veering from Hope to L.A., it would be remiss of me not to mention Des’s co-star and best friend, Colt. Man, oh man, I could read a whole book about Colt and his partner. Though Des and Logan are unquestionably the main attraction in Hope Ignites, Colt grabbed my heart and didn’t let go.

Hope Ignites is a wonderful book to relax and mentally escape with. Des and Logan’s story has a different feel from the other books of Ms. Burton’s that I’ve read and I love discovering the many facets of her writing. I recommend Hope Ignites to anyone who enjoys contemporary romances and has a soft spot for gruff cowboys and/or straight-shooting actresses.

Note: I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.