A review by lezreadalot
The Sea Within by Missouri Vaun


Conflict was much more about love than hate. In the moment of reckoning, you harnessed everything you ever loved, everything you ever cared about—those were the things that propelled you forward, those were the things you fought for. Not the entire world, just one little part of it.

This was a pretty fun, action-packed romance! I think it did a mostly good job of balancing the science fiction and the romance. I was really interested in the premise, since it's so deeply rooted in reality. The situation that's laid out in the plot here (rising seas, polluted air, wise-spread disease, millions displaced or dead, the world on a timer) is depressingly easy to imagine. I think the author did a great job of painting that picture (almost too good; I honestly got a little freaked out sometimes). And I really like how the time travel aspect was handled, and all the scientific bits. I don't know if the science was sound, but it all seemed really really well-researched, and most importantly, easy to parse for a layperson who just wanted some action, time-travel, and a sweet butch/femme romance.

I really liked our main characters! They were kinda archetypal: the tough butch soldier and the nerdy but gorgeous scientist, but I do like those character tropes, so this was easy for me to enjoy. They each got a bit of development, though not as much as I'd have liked. Jackson was a little too cocky for me at first, but I grew to like her more when she allowed herself to be a little more vulnerable with Elle. The romance was sweet, and had some really great moments, but unfortunately a lot of the time I was left wanting more. Mild spoiler:
SpoilerI really don't think they needed to say 'I love you's. Not only did it seem really premature, it wasn't believable to me, and I think ending on a hope for the future, with the knowledge that these two people are compatible, and they can and WILL fall in love in the future, would have been more appropriate and effective.

I liked Vaun's writing style for the most part. Again, I think she did a good job of creating a story and plot was that realistic and well-researched, but not so detailed that it weighed everything else down. There were some great action scenes, and some lovely tender scenes. I feel like, however, almost all of the chapters ended either abruptly or unnaturally, which isn't a big deal, just slightly jarring. I really disliked the POV-switching; it's my least favourite thing in writing, it takes me out of a story so so much. I hate situations where, for example, character A wonders what B thinks about something, and then we immediately switch to B's perspective and we're told what B thinks. It removes any suspense there might have been, and just undermines the writing. This, and a couple other little things, prevented me from enjoying the writing wholeheartedly.

Still, this was a great science-fiction/action romp with a couple of twists that I definitely recommend. My first read from Vaun; it won't be my last! 3.5 stars.

☆ Review copy provided via NetGalley.