A review by observantraven
Danse Macabre by Laura M. Hughes


When I first read the summary for Danse Macabre I was instantly intrigued and wanted to read it right away. For me this was something out of the norm as I don’t very often read thriller-horror based novels and for one to grip me alone based upon the summary this alone told me that this book would be great. What I found when I read Danse Macabre was something that exceeded my initial excitement and expectations.

Some people avoid the thriller-horror due to the fear that it will scare them but Danse Macabre shows this isn’t allows the case. Danse Macabre shows us that thriller-horror can have some light horror aspects that will make you feel uneasy as well as some spine tingling moments without every going over unnecessarily over the top.

From the start I was instantly drawn into the world of the main character Blue. As the book progresses we are treated to bits and of pieces of her “past and experiences”. I felt emotionally drawn to Blue she was experiencing and this constantly helped enhance they feeling of unease they story portrays.

Danse Macabre is a short story that stands at 56 pages and this only helps towards the constant intrigue you get when reading it as there is never a lull in the story. There are some truly exciting and breath taking moments. I usually take my time when it comes to reading a book so I can analyse my thoughts but with Danse Macabre I was never able to do this because as soon as I picked it up I didn’t want to put it down.

With everything above in mind if you are someone like myself who doesn’t read thriller-horror very often or if you are usually fearful of reading it due to not wanting to be scared then I would highly recommend you pick this up as. I think it is a great entry point into the thriller-horror genre and with it being a short story this will only help ease you into the genre. Even if you are a horror buff I would still highly recommend you read this.

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