A review by seleniumdrive
Slaying the Frost King by Candace Robinson


Really enjoyed the first half/until they get together, basically. Probably 4.5 stars for that part, and the deduction of a 1/2 star only because Eirah's constant use of the word "prick" was annoying (authors--try using synonyms!!). The 2nd half of the book is kinda anticlimactic/the most interesting parts were the romance scenes. (The action scenes were boring IMO). So the book as a whole is 4/5 stars for me.

I had previously read the two books in the "Demons of Frosteria" series--so while it was intriguing to see how the changling plot started, the repetition of it got kinda old in the 2nd half of the book.

Also, personal preference, but just couldn't see this specific MMC in the verbs "cooed," "purred" or some other 'slick' version of "said". It didn't make him 'sexy,' it just got on my nerves. Just felt weird and out of place.

The sex scenes were average/3.5 stars.

Of the 3 books in this series so far, this is probably the 2nd best (and the distance between books rated #1 and #2 and that between books rated #2 and 3 is NOT close).