A review by sleepy_sleepy
The Gambler Grimoire by B.R. Kingsolver

DNF 30%

The whole of it was improbable. Savanna went to a new university without even knowing the chairman of her department. Supposedly, this university is the most prestigious institution of arcane study in North America. However, Savanna has no idea there has been a murder in its faculty. The magical community in this book seems small enough that it would be big news as the murder is still unsolved. Don't even get me started on the dean, who wants Savanna to take on extra responsibilities, which were not written down in her contract. Fortunately, she shuts him down on that front, but the whole situation screams unbelievable.

Savanna finds out about the murdered predecessor on the day of her arrival and just sort of starts to investigate. There was no decision on her part, so it seemed choppy, like a part of the story was missing. Very infuriating!

After just meeting the dean's secretary Savanna starts questioning her about the victim. They just met! That scene read like an interrogation, and the secretary acts like this is completely normal!!
I put a little snippet of the conversation to illustrate my point, but the whole scene was a lot longer and then just cut off to the next one.

“Someone told me you and Dr Kavanaugh were friends.”
Katy nodded. “Yes, for a long time. Twenty-six years.”
“Do you know of anyone who might have wanted to harm him?”
“Other than an ex? No, not really. And if you want to know who his exes are, get a phone book and start with A.”

Also, Kelly (the librarian and other titles I don't remember) went through the same questioning. Only stopping once to jokingly ask “Are you trying to solve his murder?”. But then proceeds to answer all of Savanna's invasive questions anyway. They too have only just met (a day or two ago?? honestly, can't recall). The conversation ends with Kelly kind of joining Savanna's "investigation"???

I found that I didn't like Savanna all that much from what little I read. One particular instance stood out. The first meeting with the dean and here is a piece of it.

He nodded and seemed to relax a little. “Also, although relations between faculty, and with staff, are not prohibited, we do ask that while on campus, and in public, we expect discretion and a professional demeanour, especially anywhere students might be present.”

I nodded, maintaining my smile. “Yes, I understand the need to provide students with proper role models. And you’re not going to see me dancing at a disco in a skirt that doesn’t cover my backside. I do have experience with students and their fantasies, and I prefer to prevent uncomfortable situations.”

Savanna just went completely off-topic. The dean was talking about propriety in the context of relationships with faculty and staff!! And the lovely lead character Savanna (sarcasm) went and just laid out her internalised misogyny in the form of slut shaming other women for the clothes they wear. People can wear whatever they want. This was especially grating because Savanna's character wasn't a traditionalist or a conservative before this or after. She was presented more as an open-minded woman and a trailblazer. (Granted, I didn't finish the book, so maybe she presents this kind of behaviour again later on)

I've read one of [a:B.R. Kingsolver|5823296|B.R. Kingsolver|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1337310705p2/5823296.jpg] books before ([b:Shadow Hunter|44591519|Shadow Hunter (Rosie O'Grady's Paranormal Bar and Grill, #1)|B.R. Kingsolver|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1553545975l/44591519._SY75_.jpg|69218484]), which also had poor execution. It was particularly disappointing because from the blurb the book seemed to be made for me. I think I won't try any more books from this author.