A review by snaze6
The Grumpy Player Next Door by Pippa Grant


The town of Shipwreck and the Rock family are just too awesome to believe. Tillie Jean Rock beloved younger sister of Cooper and Grady has been flirting with Max, her brother’s teammate on the Fireballs for the last 4 years. Max is a starting pitcher who had a rough childhood, doesn’t believe he is good enough for more than one-night stands and suffers from anxiety.

When Max first meet Tillie Jean he got an eyeful and the wrong impression of her, before learning she was Cooper Rock’s younger sister and off limits. Cooper is his best friend ever and Max has been resisting his attraction to Tillie Jean for four long years. This winter he has moved to Shipwreck along with several Fireball teammates to workout and train together to build more team cohesion so they can build on their first winning season. Tillie Jean is his neighbor and is becoming his kryptonite.

Tillie Jean and Max alternate dancing around each other, aggravating and antagonizing and prancing each other. More importantly, over the winter months in Shipwreck they become friends and eventually more, but is it a winter fling and scheduled to be over when Max leaves for Spring Training or is built to last a lifetime?

Pippa brings all the hilarity in this brother’s best friend/teammate slash enemies-to-lovers, grumpy guy/sunny girl romance. Dirty talking parrots, cockblocking goats and glitter bombs galore.

I received an ARC from the author and I am voluntarily leaving a review.