A review by julicke95
The Tiger and the Wolf by Adrian Tchaikovsky


3,5 stars. Took me a while to get into it, but I enjoyed it well enough in the end. The magic system and the worldbuilding were pretty interesting, but I feel like the characters could have used some more work, Asmander in particular. At first it seemed he was going to be a major character, as a lot of the story happened from his POV, but later on he seemed to be mostly an accessory to Maniye's story. Also, his motivations were pretty shifty and unclear to me a lot of the time and I'm still not sure what kind of character he's supposed to be. I suspect he'll be more important in the next book, so hopefully I'll find out then. Hopefully the plot will be a bit more diverse as well, as this one was basically one long chase. Though it did have some unexpected twists and turns, which I appreciated.