A review by mrose21
Buck Wild by Lauren Landish


Quick Info
Standalone/Cliffhanger?: Standalone
Part of a Series?: Yes
Meeting the Characters
James Bennett
Sophie Stone
What happens?
Sophie is an intern for a local vet. The Bennett ranch calls for help of a horse giving birth and Sophie and Doc attend the call. Doc lets Sophie lead the help and James doesn't take too kindly to the experience elderly vet letting the new intern do the procedure.
However sparks are flying between them and they eventually agree to a no strings fling while they're both in town with the end date at the end of the summer when she goes to vet school and he goes back to bull riding.
James and Sophie can't ignore their growing feelings and want to stay in each others lives even if it means making huge sacrifices.
Final thoughts
I really enjoyed this.
Its a wholesome feel good book; nothing dramatic happens like the MC cheating its pretty calm. Aside from a hiccup of James freaking out about his feelings which he does for the most part to his brother and not Sophie I thought it was drama free. Something I needed to read in this world of uncertainty at the moment.
Would I read again?: Yes
Would I read this author again?: Yes
Would I continue on with the series?: Yes