A review by rogue_lurker
Waiting for You by Elle Spencer


I've been waiting for this book - and was not disappointed. I've really enjoyed Ms Spencer's writing and she has a deft hand with humour - both through physical situations and banter. She keeps the tone light and fun and her characters are particularly engaging. There's some familiar tropes in this one but there's enough originality in their presentation that it made the overall story fresh. The story is well paced, with lots of secondary action and characters that propel the main characters and the romance along.

Lindsay Hall, recently divorced and questioning her sexuality, is a successful artist in a small town who is haunted by memories of a past life and love. When Ren Christopher blows into town to visit an old friend before she jets off to a new job in Paris, she isn't looking for a relationship, but her quirky interactions with Lindsay begin to chip away at her resolve. The romance has a good build up and the big reveal/drama isn't quite as angsty as I had expected (and a good thing ... a light bit of angst is all this needed).

There's a well developed chemistry between the two and the dialogue is bright and snappy - add to that the utter likability of the two mains and you've got a winner. The supporting characters provided an added layer of humour but they are all well developed beyond just being comic foils.

Overall, a great read.