A review by crtsjffrsn
Breaking Cover by Kaje Harper


It's great to see what is happening next for Tony and Mac. I really found myself starting to like them in the first book in this series. Of course, I'm not at all surprised to see them wrapped right up in trouble again, though.

The tone of this book, the characters and their interactions, and the word in which they live had a seamless consistency with the first book - something I haven't always seen in series. Even though it's been a while since I read the first book, I was able to jump back in and re-immerse myself rather easily.

My only complaints would be that this one probably goes on a bit longer than necessary and that too many things happened that just seemed overly convenient for the story. This happened a bit in the first book, but they were close enough to feeling natural that it didn't throw me too much. I started to feel otherwise here, and am hoping I'm on the wrong path and it's not where the rest of the series is headed.