A review by crookedtreehouse
Blade of the Immortal Volume 23: Scarlet Swords by Hiroaki Samura


A denoument for the prison escape stoyrline, and a setup volume for future issues, I found this book irritating. I somehow care less about the new characters than I do about the last batch of new characters (who are gone...probably just for now). There is a surprise return that neither surprised noe intrigued me. And the once fascinating villain from the beginning of the story who evolved into a complicated character has just been relegated to background character while the more recent Big Bad character is supposed to be maybe made empathetic in this volume but his arc just strikes me as dull.

This series has been all over the place, so I imagine the next volume could be utterly excellent, but I think I would have rather read a Wikipedia entry about this volume rather than struggle through it.