A review by mischievous_monkey
One Day You'll Leave Me by Debra Flores


Wouldn't it be wonderful to be given a chance to go back in time and change something you regret? If only...

This was an interesting read and I was very happy with the story's conclusion and how the dilemma was resolved. I never really got too invested in the story due to the style of the writing but did enjoy it enough to stick with it. Especially the concepts it explores and the thought provoking themes of time travel, destiny and a love that knows no bounds. If you have ever been blessed with a love that seems preordained or like slipping into a comfortable old shoe (be that with a partner or a friend) I think you will identify with this story.

Another interesting read about altered realities is Ursala K. Le Guin’s [b:The Lathe of Heaven|2930299|The Lathe of Heaven|Ursula K. Le Guin|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1632957574l/2930299._SY75_.jpg|425872].