A review by loufillari
Valiant Gentlemen by Sabina Murray


This book was v good. I'm not sure if it started slow or if I was just not in the mood to read an historical fiction that begins in the late 1800s but man oh man did I detest this when I started it. It was a trek getting through those first one hundred and such pages.

But then this book takes off. There's these guys and one gets married and one doesn't and their lives consist of different events. Wild. And the one guy's wife is awesome. Best character in the book awesome.

The historical figures presented in third novel are Roger Casement, who fought for an independent Ireland, and Herbert Ward, who did nifty stuff too, I suppose. In the end he just turned out to be a coward. So said Sarita, and my girl Sarita could do no wrong.

When I finished this book, I read more about these three main characters and that's when my strong three star rating hopped on up to a weak four stars.

Viva la revolucion! Imperialism blows! Also don't trust Great War era Germans!