A review by exorcismemily
Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabby Rivera


"Your one job is to just accept what a person feels comfortable sharing about themselves. No one owes you info on their gender, body parts, or sexuality."

Juliet Takes a Breath was such a good read. This book is interesting because Juliet has a certain set of ideals at the beginning, and you see those challenged and broken down throughout the book. It was cool to watch her grow as the book progressed.

Some parts of the book felt clunky with Juliet learning definitions and new things, but it does fit with the story. I think the things she was learning about could have been woven a little more tightly into the story with editing, but the reading experience was still fine.

I'm not the biggest fan of contemporary novels that don't have a ton of plot, but this one worked for me. I like Juliet a lot, and her enthusiasm for learning is admirable. I would definitely check out another book from Gabby Rivera, and I would also read more about Juliet if another book ever exists.