A review by narcissia
The Emerald Atlas by John Stephens


The characters in this book are so, so, so good. These characters each have personalities of their own, strengths of their own, faults of their own. The younger two children bicker like nobody's business and I had to smile every time they did because they were so honest. Kate, Michael, and Emma are realistic and lovable and entertaining. And it doesn't stop with them. All of the characters, villains and allies, are incredibly well done.

The plot has all sorts of fun stuff, including but not limited to: narrow escapes, exploration, battles, time travel, and explosions. The pacing is quick, with ups and downs and turns to keep the reader interested in what is happening. Events happen pretty quickly, but the plot is not rushed.

The writing, characterization, humor, and story are all good. Plus, who can resist a story about books? The children must find and bring together three books of power, called The Books of Beginning. Books about books! I love it.