A review by cassroberts89
A Lion to Guard Us by Clyde Robert Bulla, Michele Chessare


I mean… I’m not quite the target age level/reading level. So there’s that. I thought this was a sweet, sad story that does a great job giving a glimpse of what it might have been like for a child making the big move to the “New World” from Europe. I found it just a little bit boring though. I get that it is meant for an earlier reader, but it still didn’t grab my attention very well. It was very much, “this happened, then this happened.” There was a lot more telling rather than showing.

My daughter says, “It was pretty good. It’s not very slow, and there are some good cliff hangers in it. But I’m not sure it’s my style. I like fast-paced adventure books.”

FYI: I read this along with my 10yo as an assigned reader for homeschool. It does line up very nicely with our unit on Jamestown.