A review by poisonivy70
Caught Up In You by Jules Bennett



-My first Jules Bennett. I’d never read Ms. Bennett’s books, but I was pleasantly surprised. The series setup, adopted siblings honoring their dead sister by working on her dream of a hotel/spa, is truly sweet and the romance is just as sweet. Her ‘verse is populated with strong, well written characters and while the tropes are fairly standard, the characters make it all work.

-Interesting leads. Cora and Braxton are both set up well, with strong personalities and were almost a bit perfect in their dealings with each other. Cora’s blindness was integral to the plot and really handled well. Her desire for independence from her cold parents and ex-fiance

-Second in series stands alone. Considering this is the second book in the series, it truly stands alone. There aren’t some big spoilers for the first book and I never felt as if I was missing something, which I was concerned with and glad to see wasn’t a problem.

-Slightly repetitive inner monologues. There’s alot of time spent telling me about Cora’s independence and reasons for it that weren’t that necessary and it affected the pacing, which was a bit slow to start. Cora and Braxton’s attraction is strong right off the bat, but it’s the lag between them meeting and actually delving into a romance where I stumbled. It was clear that they were mature and they both handled their legitimate reservations about entering a romance in an adult manner, it was the need to explain more than once why they were hesitant that made it drag. Also, the love scenes aren't fade to black, but they're not overly descriptive. Basically fairly mild when it comes to the physical scenes.

-Setup for future is intriguing. I want Liam’s book because out of all the characters, his backstory definitely piqued my interest and I’d love to see where it goes.

3.5 stars
Ultimately I enjoyed Cora and Braxton’s romance and I wouldn’t mind checking out more in this series. Would recommend for this interested in slower paced, character driven romances.

**ARC provided by publisher via netgalley for review**

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