A review by megbrod
All I Have by Nicole Helm


So I don't know if I'm not being critical of anything these days or just getting really lucky in my reading choices or what, but I am not going to complain. All I Have was crazy adorable. Mia is the perfect formerly awkward heroine because she hasn't actually changed and there wasn't a miraculous makeover or anything. She's just come to embrace her personality and gained a lot of confidence since she was in high school (and really, who hasn't?). She still has insecurities, but they aren't crippling anymore. Dell was completely charmed by her, and that's my favorite thing. And his relationship with his dad added the perfect amount of conflict and angst. Reading about how much he loved their farm and how little his dad cared about that hurt. But in a good way that kept the story from being too sweet. Anyway, I'm definitely going to be reading more books by Nicole Helm and can't wait for the rest of this series.