A review by luxera
Das Echo der Wahrheit by E.O. Chirovici


The story is about an old case of a murdered/missing person. It's not a crime story specifically. A man is hiring a psychiatrist to hypnotize him to get answers what happened in a night 30 years ago. He hopes to find out what he forgot over time.
That night a woman who he was with died/went missing and he never knew if he was responsible.
The theme of the story is about memories. It's all about what really happened and what is remembered wrongly. It is said that only 20% of our memories really happened and 80% are small changes we did over time or even complete lies.
We basically follow the psychiatrist trying to solve this missing person case. He listens to multiple stories of that night from different people and everytime the story slightly or completly changes. We never know what to believe and what not to, it's what creates a really great suspense.
For me, I couldn't figure out what really happened by myself. I was always left wondering and every guess I had was just a really wild one :D.
It is really well written, I think. It's just super smooth and I was never left bored. It's really fast paced but it still takes enough time to feel well rounded.