A review by aurigae
Tranquility by Tuesday: 9 Ways to Calm the Chaos and Make Time for What Matters by Laura Vanderkam


Laura Vanderkam's time management books stand out for their fluid prose and pragmatic, effective advice. As in any such book, many of the tips are rooted in common sense, but Laura explains the rationale behind them and provides real-world tips for implementation. We all know that sleep is important - but Laura will remind us to account for how much time we actually need to wind down and get ready for bed. Many readers of this book will be familiar with the idea of weekly planning - but Laura will tell you have to do it will, without (necessarily) buying a fancy planner. I finished this book feeling empowered and motivated, as well as slightly sheepish about my inferior productivity.

(This is an unbiased review. I don't know the author personally. I keep calling her "Laura" because I've been reading her books and blog for so long that I feel like I do.)