A review by ninjabunneh
Death, the Devil, and the Goldfish by Andrew Buckley


Death, the Devil, and a Goldfish walk into a bar......

I jest.

Goldfish can't walk.

The Devil has been wallowing in hell, torturing souls and having a bang up time but realizes he needs a bit of a vacation. God agrees and gives Devil a week to walk the human world possessing any body of Devil's choosing. However, God has a wicked sense of humor, and the Devil apparently doesn't thoroughly read the contracts he signs.

Mr. Devil ends up in the body of a cat named Fuzzbucket, much to his dismay. This doesn't deter his diabolical plans to wreak havoc on humanity. The Devil convinces a rather drunk-ass Death to take a hiatus and without the Grim Reaper acting as soul escort, people simply stop dying.

Never fear! There is a band of heroes that work on saving the day and the world entire. This is done with the help of a prophetic goldfish, a penguin who dreamt he was a man then actually became one, and a few humans in the mix. Oh, and an elf named Eggnog.

I may not have enjoyed this one as much as [bc:Stiltskin|18693066|Stiltskin|Andrew Buckley|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1382354557s/18693066.jpg|26541425], but it was well worth the price of admission.

3.5 Ninja-Bunnehs-With-Horns