A review by whathilaryreads
So You Don't Get Lost in the Neighborhood by Euan Cameron, Patrick Modiano


This short novel opens with writer Jean Daragane getting a phone call from someone claiming to have found his address book. This man, along with his female companion, attempt to learn more about someone mentioned in both the address book and a page of Daragane's books. From there, we're transported back through time, then woven back into the present via a string of repressed memories and Parisian landmarks.

While there are hints of noir (particularly in the beginning), it's not really a mystery per se. I did want to find out what had happened, but it was part of the point to see the book through Jean's foggy memory, so it was confusing at times. It is short enough that I would recommend this to someone who appreciates a slower paced, psychological novel- especially if you have a fondness for Paris.