A review by reebsforspace
Men Who Hate Women and the Women Who Love Them: When Loving Hurts and You Don't Know Why by Joan Torres, Susan Forward



I was curious about the nature of harmful relationships, what causes them, what mindsets both parties have to endure them. This book gave all those answers and them some. 

It was far more captivating then I anticipated. Dr. Forward includes testimonials/stories from callers she’s had on radio and her clients to examine a wide variety of situations people have found themselves in. 

I started this book late at night thinking I could listen to a little and then head off to bed but the way the information is presented, the way the author provides a story and then picks it apart was so interesting, I found it hard to put down. 

The book is split into two major parts. The first, “men who hate women” examines the causes, the how and the why misogynists behave the way they do while the second “why women love them” looks at the forces that make women tolerate, accept and even look for the behavior of misogynists. Dr. Forward later includes exercises, explanations, and resources to help women either better or leave the relationships she describes. 

This book is fantastic, whether you  have been, are, or are weary of harmful relationships. Or just curious of the psyche that allows them to exist in our world. I would highly recommend if you’re looking for an engaging, impactful, and memorable experience.