A review by mellhay
Skinwalker by Faith Hunter


I've always wondered what this series was like after hearing all the love for it. In just one book, I can see what all the praise is about. It lives up to the hype.

I loved meeting Jane and learning about what she can do. And what she is and how she became this way. I know there's more to her story, but what I learned in this first book was great. I love that I got some of that history in book one, and it hints to so much more with her.

The writing had me glued to the story. I enjoyed the investigation as Jane does it, in cat form. Jane is a strong character and I enjoy seeing her strong and ready to go on her own. But there's a soft side to her as well and we see that with her friend and her friends kid.

Great paranormal world here as we get a glimpse to what all is present. I will be continuing with this series!