A review by fryken377
Bad Romance by Heather Demetrios


"here we wear other peoples skin and it helps us forget our own, lets us pretend for a little while, that we're okay"

Not only a beautiful cover but a beautiful book. I was deciding If I was going to rate this a like 3.7 or a 4 star. But in the end when I flipped that last page I realized how powerful of a story It was. I'm not going to do a full on review because my feelings for this book are incredibly hard to explain. The beginning of the book I was complete trash for Gavin, I loved him. And through the book I felt like Grace, one second I was going to jump in the book and throw something, and the next second I was cheering for them (at the beginning of the book... then I just hated him after). But that what Heather Demetrios does to you, she makes you feel what the characters are feeling and just as confused as Grace was feeling. Her writing is wonderful.
What I loved about this book is the friendship. It is based on this relationship but you also fall in love with how wonderful the friendships in this are. It is the most odd group of girls, Grace, Nat and Lys, oh my gosh I cant explain how much I love these three together. Not only the group of the girls but also the others, I'm looking at you Gideon.
I did have a few minor problems with this book as well tho. The family situation, I am fine with a book that is based on a character with a not so supportive family (even though it happens ALL THE TIME) but the way Graces family is was a little bit hard to read. I know we are supposed to hate these people most of the time, but it got to the point where it felt incredibly unrealistic. I wish there could've been a little more happen between Grace and her mom. At times I was about to call some relatives of Grace and as why the heck they don't live with them. Also something that bugged me at times was Gavin, he bugged me a lot, but there where times where I was actually pulling my hair out. And I know, We are supposed to be bugged by Gavin but I was just ughhhhh I don't even know. Sometimes I questioned if Grace had a brain because, girl, ARE YOU BLIND. This happen like two or three times in the book when it really got to the point where I had to shut the book and walk away stressed out.
But besides those, I did have to just sit in my bed for a little after finishing it. I feel like once you close the book and just think back to all you read, that when it really kicks in what you feel about it. And the way it ended, I only have one word, PERFECT. I read this after finishing 'It Ends With Us' by Colleen Hoover, It sounded very similar and that was the mood I was in so I was super exited going into it. Let me just say, yes it does have the kind of aspect of a hard family situation and a bad relationship, but this is entirely different. Overall I loved this book and it allowed me to open my eyes more to these kind of situations. I highly recommend it and think everyone should at least give it a try.