A review by hellsbell
Everything But The Truth by Gillian McAllister


Originally posted on HellyReads

This was so different from what I was expecting, in a good way. I was expecting a taught thriller, with a whodunnit and lots of creepiness. Instead it was a character study into paranoia, lies and a trust within relationships.

Jack and Rachel are having a baby. They have only known each other a few months, and Rachel is desperate to know as much about her child's father as possible. Slowly a 'dark history' begins to unravel, with Rachel not knowing who to trust or what to believe. She also has a secret that she hasn't told Jack that changed her life. Will she tell him? Will he be honest with her? Do mistakes from the past matter in the present?

This novel asks all these questions and more. And whilst it isn't preaching at you, it certainly gives some food for thought. I always had sympathy for Jack as his story was revealed, I also felt for Rachel as we learned about what had happened with her. This proves that decisions made in a moment for whatever reason are never simple. There is no black and white in morality within relationships, just a whole sea of grey.

Brilliant. I'm looking forward to the next novel by this author!