A review by drey72
Junkyard Bargain by Faith Hunter


After reading Junkyard Cats, I could not wait for Junkyard Bargain – but boy was it worth the wait. I listened (because it’s currently available on Audible only – until fall), re-listened to Junkyard Cats (because I love Khristine Hvam’s narration), and listened to Junkyard Bargain again (just in case I missed something the first time ’round). And there’d be plenty to miss if you’re not paying attention.

Like Cupcake’s morphing from scared to take-charge. And thralls operating right under unsuspecting parents’ noses. As well as stealthy-in-the-night action that leaves bodies in its wake. Oh, wait, no – I noticed that the first go-round. Just like Junkyard Cats, there’s plenty of action in Junkyard Bargain, along with plenty of politicking and not enough of romancing. But there’s definitely plenty of bodies. Bad guys, every single one of them.

As Shining and her crew of cats and people gather what they’ll need to survive the war with Warhammer, they stir up the status quo and leave chaos in their wake. Whether that’s good or bad remains to be seen, as does whether she can truly trust those she’s now aligned herself with.

All in, Junkyard Bargain is a quick romp with cats, mechs, and more characters than I’m going to remember off the top of my head. This definitely felt like the middle of a story, as they prepare for the impending war, and there’s not a lot of character development – other than the AIs revealing more of themselves. I wonder where Shining’s thralls are heading with their independence, and I wonder if she’ll stop worrying/blaming herself for turning them. But I fully expect that when we get the next installment, Shining, cats, et al will stomp the stuffing out of Warhammer and her minions. Who’s with me?

drey’s rating: Pick it up!