A review by ashatroyal
Blood Artifact : A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance by Rune Hunt


missed the mark

This book left too many questions unanswered.
Why didn’t Malakai know who Aries father was if he remembered everything and was Ares guardian? That makes no sense. Why couldn’t Darren tell Anubis was in Maya? And to clip Malakai’s wings for it? Overboard. A lot of misspellings. The author upped the sexual preference in this book. In Book 1, Akuma’s twin brothers were younger than him and in this book they’re older. How is Julie a demon but not Lucien? Aries only considers Akuma and Killian demons but Lucien sold his soul as well. If Anubis was in Rhys body how did she turn into Maya? How did Omega run if he froze over? And Aries didn’t save the world. Literally, War got out but wasn’t on a war path. Weird.