A review by missawn
Black Dog Blues by Rhys Ford


I started this series in the summer of 2018 and burned through the first two books -- only to have to wait nearly half a year for the third book in the series to be released. In anticipation of the third book, I went back and re-read the first two. The three books in these series are closely related and I hesitated to give this book a rating until I completed the series. In short, this series is really good -- one of my all-time favourites when it comes to world building and interesting MCs that have a way of getting under your skin. There is also a very lovely slow-burn romance that stretches across all three books and that was a major factor in my enjoyment of these books -- nice chemistry and nice complexity. It was hard to put these books down both times through. This author has been hit-or-miss for me in the past -- but when she gets it right, she really gets it right -- and this series is definitely a hit for me! Recommended ...