A review by miasantos
Boyfriends with Girlfriends by Alex Sanchez

Did not finish book.
my friend read this book and sent me a couple quotes that were massive red flags.
we had a laugh for a time but now that it's been a couple hours I can't help thinking how ridiculously harmful this biphobic, sexist and insensitive pice could be to young audiences questioning who they are or who they like.

this book desregards an entire community that is often disrespected anyways. and if 20yo me has the mechanisms to filter this out of my life and understand that it's jus problematic and means nothing, there's a large amount of young people questioning that may not be able. and when you're 14/15 questioning your identity this can be so so damaging.

so pls, LGBT+ and allies, ban this book out of existence before it really fucks someone over. and Simon and Schuster PLEASE AND I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH get a better sensitive reading team, PLEASE

(I would like to stress that this book is from 2011 and Simon and Schuster might have improved their standards a lot since this book first saw the light of day so don't go rain hell on them without double checking if the situation improved or not)