A review by appelkers
The Never List by Koethi Zan


I am a big fan of this genre, I love thrillers. This might be something you don’t know about me, even if you have been following my blog for a while now. That is because I haven’t been reading a lot of thrillers lately seeing as I’ve really gotten into more YA and Romance books these days. But the romance has just been bumped back a couple of notches by this perfect book! I’m so ready for a summer full of fictional crime I can’t even put it into words. And can I just mention that when they say this is a book for fans of Karin Slaughter, Laura Lippman, and S.J. Watson, they are absolutely right. (It just so happens that I am a fan of all three and wow, I really am a fan of Koethi Zan’s now!)

The storyline was just great, it had such a great mix of mystery and emotions. It was so exciting that it just kept me reading this book until it was finished. I just couldn’t put this book down, ever since I read the synopsis I was hooked and then I started reading and it got even worse. This book was like drugs to me. The story plays a big part of this story, there are emotions involved in this book, but to me there was the definite thriller-ness of this book on the forefront. You just wanted to find out what had happened and was going to happen. And every step of the way you just wanted more! I am not kidding when I say this book is very addicting, you just can’t put it down once you’ve started. It’s agony when you do (so don’t even try). Oh and by the way, I love the ending, it’s just wow. Really wow.

I was such a big fan of these characters. I can’t say that I know what they are going through, what they have going through or how they are feeling. But I really had the feeling that they were so realistic. I particularly enjoyed the way each of the victims handled their past differently and has their own set of post-trauma coping mechanisms. But also the people who hadn’t been part of the horrible things that happened in that cellar had some strange aspects about them. But it was all so real and never completely good. There were always these sides to people which made them a shade of grey instead of either black or white and that’s just something I can truly appreciate. It’s just recognizing that some people are just plain weird but most of us are pretty normal with a few splashes of weird thrown in the mix.

The writing in this book was just what the story needed. There was that great duet between the flashbacks and the present times. Every time it switched you just wanted to know more about whatever you were just reading but as soon as you get even half a paragraph into a new flashback you are just sucked right in all over again. It was pretty fast paced writing but it just kept the story moving right ahead. There were also some emotional things there and while I really feel that they have a place within a thriller, because that just makes you have all the feels, it was great that it wasn’t overdone on the feelings here. There was just enough to let you know how they felt and get you emotionally attached to the people in the story without just being pages and pages of feelings.

For me there weren’t any let downs at all to this book. I just loved it with all my heart and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I advise anyone who is partial to the thriller genre to pick up this gem and just enjoy it as much as I did.