A review by nhnabass
A Broken Blade by Melissa Blair


Yeah this book was def not for me. This was an interesting universe with some compelling magic systems and fantasy lore, which may be the only redeeming thing for me. The author has a very specific writing style that was probably fine overall but coupled with the disappointing plot, this was a solid 2 stars for me and I unfortunately do not think I will be picking up the sequel.

First, weird unnecessary dialogue tags. Related: weird verbs. Everywhere. “His jaw throbbed” “his jaw pulsed” were my two favorites that stood out but fear not, there is no shortage of descriptors for our main man’s jaw. He also bites his lip and cheek a ton.

Second, the plot was really predictable for me and the “twist” came way too far into the book to have been a surprise for anyone, really. The main protagonist’s backstory, trauma, and coping mechanisms were also so heavy handed. So much so it felt repetitive at times and unfortunately as a result I felt less connected to the character as time went on, instead of being more compelled.

The length of the book also felt unnecessary given the story that was told. Lots of lead up for, again, predictable ending and doesn’t even resolve the main quest? It kind of felt like I read 4 characters plan something for 400 pages. The banter between the characters was sweet but again heavy handed foreshadowing in my opinion.

All in all, not the worst thing I’ve read! Just won’t be reading again.