A review by ambersbooknest
Satan's Affair by H.D. Carlton


Cat and Mouse Duet Prequel.

Okay so I didn’t really like this at first, but that is completely to blame on the fact that I had the main ‘theme’ of the book spoiled. I think if I went into this book blind it probably would have been five stars. It was kinda slow to start but once it got a third of the way through I got really into it, especially when Zade popped up! I think I really enjoyed the horror/murder side of this book more than I did the spice. And Although it was spoiled, I really enjoyed the ending. This was such a good little introduction to the Cat and Mouse Duet, and I can’t wait to read it.

“Angels are used and discarded to the side when they’ve served their purpose. Just like Lucifer with Eve. She didn’t eat an apple. Lucifer fucked her and ruined her for all men. And then tossed her aside because she could never be Lilith.”