A review by book_whispers
Pooka in My Pantry by R.L. Naquin


Hello! The wack is back! Falling right back into the swing of things with the birth of a sea serpent, crazy mermaid kissing drunkenness (not the kind of mermaid you're thinking), and some Reaper pining. Ah, I love the smell of a kooky story.

Zoey has to watch it. She was supposed to die in the last book, and The Board of Hidden Affairs wants to fix that. Only Zoey could be bombed bad luck as a test. If she survives to the end of the week, she can live. Yet that means she has to forfeit her normal life. Because if she can out live the bad luck she's a . . . well, something even more important to the Hidden then she could have imagined. Which might be something her mother was and why she vanished so mysteriously.

On top of that the Leprechaun Mafia is in town, spreading even more bad luck. Zoey's loved ones are at risk again and there are some huge scares ahead for many of the beloved friends Andrew, Sara, and our favorite fox. Maurice leaves to try and patch things in his marriage, leaving Zoey with even more bad luck: the Pooka from the title. Don't forget that Riley and Zoey are still trying to get some romance on! The more of the Hidden world that is revealed Zoey unveils a scary secret behind the Board.

Despite the shear awesomeness of Pooka in My Pantry, I still feel the series is lacking the dark side of the emotions. One character finds out that she was incubus raped in the last book, but doesn't really react. She just nods and moves on. Don't get me wrong I think this series has great emotional development and portrayal. It's light heartedness is wonderful, but dark things have—and are—happening. There needs to be a balance.

People, pick this series up! It's a wonderful breath of fresh fun for any reader of Urban Fantasy collection. It's great to have a different kind of strong leading lady, one that I could run into on the street. Come on you know you want to meet the crazy monsters lurking behind these pages.

Sexual Content: Some sexual humor and kissing, overall pretty clean.

4/5- Great! Really enjoyed it

Originally reviewed on Book Whispers.