A review by kanissa
Appassionata by Eva Hoffman


This is a bit different from what I normally read, so it took me about 30 pages to warm up to it. It's very stream-of-consciousness, a bit disjointed. The plot takes a while to really kick in. I felt like everything happened in one giant rush at the end, but for all I know, that was intentional.

To show you how out of touch I am with the "scene," as it were, when I finished the book I thought, "If they made this into a movie, it would be a lot like Lost in Translation." That was when I read the author's bio and realized she DID write Lost In Translation. Oh.

However, just because it's not something I normally wouldn't pick up doesn't mean it wasn't enjoyable. (Is that enough negatives for you?) I wish the first section of the book were shorter and the last bit longer--I like character development, and Isabel's existential crisis was far more interesting to me than the love affair. It was an enjoyable book, but it left me feeling restless and...I don't know, incomplete. Sometimes books have that effect on me, but it's pretty rare. So I guess this is a rare sort of book.