A review by amyiw
Junkyard Raiders by Jamie McFarlane


3 stars

So this series isn't getting better as it goes. The first book was almost good enough to bump to 5 but was more a high 4. It was a fun, learn that there were aliens and some symbiotic or parasitic to share or take over your body. All was new, and he and his friends were fun. The second had more but not quite as good and not quite as fun and they are now in space. Then the 3rd had lost its newness and had more battles than new interesting sparks and characters but still was very fun and they saved the day. This one... well, there is some good for certain, but it never was great or even really fun so it just stayed at that 3 level, it dragged in some places, it had a interesting scene, new thing, in another but it never got really good or really fun.

The crew is dropped on a planet awaiting judgment only the planet has dangerous creatures at the same time as a working population of beings and towns. Now the team wants to save the people that were helping them figure out how to escape and get off the planet. As they go further they realize that maybe they have been set up. Getting to the end, I thought it would have been even more of a twist and it was but I didn't feel like the whole was explained well and we are left we questions for the creatures that set them up. Again the crew save the day and even help the guy that sent them there but we are not sure what will happen with
Spoiler the time stolen from everyone to keep the secret,
or even if that was the right thing.

This is probably my last Junkyard Pirate book. If it were more my genre, I might continue to the next but it had me coming back for the fun, not the battles and mech suits, that, although interesting, cannot carry the plot for me. It was still good and we get interactions with Lisa a lot this time. She becomes more of the crew, actually this and the making the cave livable was better than the battles.